Olympic was not what we expected. The mountain views were spectacular, and the ocean camping was incredible. We ended up at "South Beach" because we spent so much time in the mountains and of course didn't reserve our spot. But WOW! The primitive campsite(no running water) was better than the developed sites. We had ocean front! Views of the Pacific out our tent door and fell asleep to the sounds of the waves crashing. We could have stayed here for days.

The rain forest was well ,WET and RAINING, surprise. So we opted for a small walk through the forest just to give the kids a sense of what a rain forest was.

Our favorite spots were along the ocean and in the mountains. Even with lousy weather below the sun was out once we got above the clouds. Here the even the deer grazed at the views. We didn't hike far here. but the nice thing is that even from the parking lot there are a few nice Nature trails fit for almost anyone.